Thanks for checking by our “About” page, to us it means that you care and that is good! We are open and free, this is what Biznooz has been built on over the years. Biznooz provides daily postings on anything from new technology to science fiction and beyond!
These days things are very different from those early days of Biznooz, we find that once where we were just concerned with producing content for visitors and subscribers, we have to follow strict rules on privacy and data protection.
Most recently we find that we are falling under the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issued by the EU. We have tried and will continue to try to stay within these rules. We do have a database of subscribers, but we do not sell or give away the details to anyone and never will do.
The purpose of our database is to provide subscribers with email updates, this only occurs when a new post is added to the site, it is as simple as that. Thank you for your continued support of Biznooz, we have had some fun times and will have many more in the future.
Disclosure: Please note that we have several ad networks displaying ads on the site. We also use affiliate links when pointing to sites such as Amazon and several others. Keep on reading our pages for links to our legal disclosure and privacy policy and affiliate disclosure pages.
Check out our social media for more cool stuff!
Last but definitely not least from time to time we may mess up, if you see this let us know, it is easy to overlook something and therefore it can slip through the net. We are all human and we are sometimes fooled into publishing text or links that we should not have done if you do anything like this let us know and we can act upon it before any harm has been done, thanks for your support!
To contact us, use the comments section below any post its the future, thank you!
The BizNooz Team!
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