Tag: #MinecraftLive

  • Blockbench Create Your Own Minecraft Mob

    Now you can create your own mob in Minecraft with the help of Blockbench! It only takes a few seconds and the results are pretty spectacular, the question is, what are you going to do with your mob? More details here; https://www.minecraft.net/creator #Minecraft #Mob #Blockbench #MinecraftLive #MinecraftEntityWizard

  • The Minecraft Mob Vote Winner Is?

    Well, that is it for another year as the winner of the Minecraft Mob Vote has been announced! So was it Rascal, the Sniffer or Tuff Golem who took the prize? Find out more here; https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/live #Minecraft #MinecraftLive #MobVote #Rascal #Sniffer #TuffGolem