BusinessesForSale launches MergerVault, the world’s largest business-for-sale website with over 58,000 businesses for sale, launches MergerVault – a mergers and acquisitions service designed specifically for intermediaries representing larger opportunities.

“There is a gap at the low end of the middle market,” says CEO and founder, Andrew Markou. “These are often the outliers that the research department of an M&A advisory firm may need help with. Typically, these businesses can be anything from luxury hotels in Beirut to an airport in Romania or a toll road in China. All businesses that we have sold through the site in the past 20 years,” he adds.

MergerVault is launching with over 130 high-value businesses, including a speciality pharmacy in Nevada, USA, with sales exceeding 30 million dollars (US) to a five-star hotel and spa in Italy on the shores of Lake Maggiore, with a turnover approaching six million Euros.

The platform exclusively connects high-value buyers with the lower end of the middle market. The typical value range of businesses listed is from $5m to $50m.

“We had MergerVault in Beta through most of 2020 and 2021,” says Markou. “We wanted to get the model right for the M&A advisor or intermediary representing the business. To that end, we’ve introduced a buyer verification process that correctly profiles the interested party or investor,” he adds.

In the next few months, will be launching online non-disclosure agreement technology and CRM tools for both buyers and sellers.

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