Art and Writing Prize – Sustainability First


First is a think tank and charity that promotes practical ways to improve environmental, social and economic wellbeing in public utilities such as energy, water and communications.

As part of our new programme of work, Together for a Fair Climate Future, we are delighted to announce that The Sustainability First 2021 Art and Writing Prizes are now open for applications.  We hope you can help distribute this announcement within your organisation and within the personal networks that you are affiliated with. This year’s theme is: Together for a Fair Climate Future. The theme brings together the climate crisis, fairness in society, and how we work together to achieve a more sustainable future.

Winning entries will receive a prize of £1000, with £500 for the second prize and £300 for the third prize. The deadline for submissions is 10 July 2021 at 23:00.

The full competition adverts, which outline the scope, high-profile judging panel and details on how to enter can be found here. Full terms and conditions of competition entry can be found here.

A brief overview of each prize is also provided below.

Sustainability First Art Prize 2021

The Sustainability First Art Prize 2021 is open to all living British visual artists and international visual living, working or studying in the UK, established and emerging, over the age of 18 years. Images of up to 3 works only can be submitted online per person. The works must be original, created in any media – including but not limited to painting, drawing, mixed media, sculpture, video and installation.

Theme: Together for a fair climate future

We are interested in artworks that:

Look at the relationship between the climate crisis and fairness in society;

Set out visions for a fairer and more sustainable future;

Explor­­e working together or collectively to achieve these visions;

Explore what meaningful changes are needed and how to put these into action; and/or

Draw from personal experience.

The Sustainability First Writing Prize 2021 is open to British writers and international writers living, working or studying in the UK, over the age of 18 years. Writing could include but is not limited to, an article, a personal account, an essay, a short story, or a poem. For the writing prize, we would like to see pieces of writing that respond to the question:

How do we achieve meaningful social changes in the UK to tackle the climate crisis and develop a fairer society?

We want to hear writers’ imaginative visions, creative ideas and practical steps for societal change. This could draw from lived experience. Written entries will need to look at both climate change and fairness in society, and we particularly invite suggestions for how to challenge existing structures and achieve wider behavioural, social, cultural and/or systems change in a constructive and practical way.

Do you need more details? Then you are in luck because more information can be found right here.

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