Category: Sci-Fi

  • Horror game Niktophobia coming to PC and vr

    Horror game Niktophobia coming to PC and vr

    Here is a bit of horror for single and co-op players on either PC or for VR players who are looking to get right inside the Niktophobia game. The game takes place on a space station and you are part of a biological and chemical threat prevention team who are on a mission to find alien life and collect alien bio-samples in order for researchers to undergo further analysis. This is one of those that is both exciting and slightly scary all at the same time. The Niktophobia game will be released sometime in early 2025.

    To find out more about the Niktophobia game for PC and VR go to the games page on Steam here or check out the official game website here

    #CoopGame #HorrorGame #Niktophobia #PC #VR #OldYachtStudio #SciFi #OpenXR #AlienBioSamples #SpaceStation #IndieGames #Games #Gaming

  • Tribe Nine Deadly Demo At Steam Next Fest

    Tribe Nine Deadly Demo At Steam Next Fest

    Coming soon the the Tribe Nine game is the Deadly Demo which will be available at the Steam Next Fest from tomorrow. In this demo, players will be getting to see what is going on in Neo Tokyo and to solve some of the mysteries that are happening in this extreme action RPG where groups of players are pushed to the limits of their gameplay and beyond, which is how it should be in any game. The Tribe Nine game Deadly Demo will be at the Steam Next Fest from tomorrow the 14th of October so no excuses, what is stopping you?

    To find out more about the Tribe Nine Deadly Demo at the Steam Next Fest here on the game page on Steam or head on over to the official game website here

    #AkatsukiGames #TookyoGames #deathgame #actionrpg #TribeNine #GameDemo #RPG #SteamNextFest #Games #Gaming #DeadlyDemo #NeoTokyo

  • Crossout new update brings mecha-style battles

    Crossout new update brings mecha-style battles

    There has been an update for the Crossout game giving players access to some new armoured vehicles, as well as the armoured aircraft, mecha-style battle walkers, the all-new “The Way to the Top” map and the new “For the Emperor” brawl, this is a massive update and will most definitely offer players an alternative game to take the game to new levels and of course the game offers more content to battle over, are you ready for all of this action?

    To find out more about the Crossout game or to download it go to the official game website here

    #Crossout #CrossoutGame #GaijinEntertainment #PostApocalypticOnlineActionGame #SciFi #Games #Gaming #ArmoredVehicles #ArmoredAircraft #Mecha #BattleWalkers

  • Level Zero Extraction First Major Update and Server Wipe

    Level Zero Extraction First Major Update and Server Wipe

    This is the Level Zero Extraction game and this is the first major update and server wipe since the game went into early access on Steam a few months ago. This update gives the players better animations and some new weaponry which should make the game even better for the players who are already playing the game. The server wipe is what it says, all progress, such as the stash, trader reputation and Mercenary/Alien Monster levels will have been reset, however, the rewards gained such as unique cosmetic skins remain active.

    To find out more about the Level Zero: Extraction game go to the page on Steam here or the official game page here

    #LevelZeroExtraction #FirstMajorUpdate #ServerWipe #LevelZeroGame #TinyBuildGames #Games #Gaming #DoghowlGames #UnrealEngine #ShooterVideoGame #IndieGame #FightingGame

  • The world is underwater in Glaciered

    The world is underwater in Glaciered

    Millions of years into the future the surface of the earth will be covered in ice and life has had to continue and evolve under the glacier covered seas. You play the role of a creature that has evolved from birds. Your mission is to seek out the fate of your species, which means going on a journey meeting all kinds of different creatures and eventually coming across an enemy that has emerged from the darkness, are you ready for this?

    To find out more about Glaciered game here on Steam or go to the official games page here

    #TokyoGameShow #PLAYISM #Glaciered #GlacieredGame #Everwinter #EndoftheWorld #NewWorld #SciFi #Games #Gaming #NewGames #StudioSnowblind #Steam

  • Watch the Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft Collaboration

    Watch the Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft Collaboration

    Two giants of gaming are joining forces, well sort of, this is the brilliant collaboration between Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft this is going to be epic in the true sense of the word. Watch the trailer for a taster of what to expect when this massive game launches. This will set two sets of gaming fans go head to head so to speak. It all depends on where your alliances are do you follow Overwatch or World of Warcraft? It’s not long to wait now as the Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft collaboration will be arriving on September 17th.

    Find out more about the Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft game collaboration here on the official World of Warcraft website or the official Overwatch game website here

    #WorldofWarcraft #GamesWorkshop #BlizzardEntertainment #Overwatch2 #PlayOverwatch #NewGame #GameCollaboration #FreeToPlayGames #Games #Gaming #Gamers

  • Assassins Creed Shadows New Trailer

    Assassins Creed Shadows New Trailer

    Step back in time to Feudal Japan with the latest edition of Assassins Creed Shadows this is a place that is full of traditions and rituals, you can fit in or you can easily be found out as being an outsider. Beware, it may be a beautiful place but there are hidden dangers around every corner and this is one place where justice comes at the edge of a sword. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is coming on the 15th of November, are you ready?

    Find out more about the Assassins Creed Shadows game here on the Ubisoft website

    #AssassinsCreed #Ubisoft #AssassinsCreedShadows #FeudalJapan #Assassin #History #Warrior #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Warfare

  • Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 Heed the Call of War

    Warhammer 40000 Space Marine 2 Heed the Call of War

    The call of war is coming to Warhammer as seen at Gamescom and your service is required in order to fight the hordes and to defend the Imperium. You know how it goes the battles will be fierce and the toll to be paid by all in the end. Anyway, there is not long to wait now Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Heed the Call of War will be coming out on September the 9th are you ready? Of course, you are!

    Find out more about the Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 game here on the Focus Entertainment website here

    #Warhammer #Warhammer40000SpaceMarine #FocusEntertainment #SciFi #Games #Gaming #Gamers #GamesWorkshop #Wargames #Warriors #MinitureWargames #MiddleEarth #Gamescom

  • COD x The Crow Warzone and Modern Warfare III

    COD x The Crow Warzone and Modern Warfare III

    The Crow is coming to the Call of Duty game with revenge in mind! This is one character that you really do not want to be messing with as vengence can be a very twisted thing to handle. The only downside to this character is that many people relate The Crow with Brandon Lee and unfortunately this character does not seem to have much likeness to the original version, but this is gaming and things do not always appear in the way that we would like. What do you think of the new Crow, good, bad or indifferent?

    Find out more about the Call of Duty game here on the official site

    #COD #TheCrow #Warzone #ModernWarfareIII #ModernWarfare3 #MW3 #Warfare #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #TracerPack #OperatorBundle

  • Star Citizen Annual Foundation Festival Begins

    Star Citizen Annual Foundation Festival Begins

    This is it as the Star Citizen’s Annual Foundation Festival begins, this is where the game is able to prepare new and returning players for the Pyro System with a nice referral bonus in place as well as free game access throughout July. This is one of those games where players have been a little frustrated with the development time, but it is free to play until the 19th of this month, so that has to be a bonus. The trouble with Star Citizen is that some gamers don’t get it or will not give it a chance to develop, either way, those doubters can give this game a try and then see what they think about it!

    Find out more about the Star Citizen game here on the Roberts Space Industries website;

    #RobertsSpaceIndustries #SpaceflightSIM #Squadron42 #RSI #Spacecraft #StarCitizen #SciFi #FoundationFestival #FreeFlyEvents #Spaceflight #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • Sci-fi roguelike Breachway gets early access next month

    Sci-fi roguelike Breachway gets early access next month

    The wait is almost over for Breachway the turn-based tactical space game as it will go into early access at the end of August for PC gamers, head on over to Steam, GOG or the Epic Games Store for this brilliant sci-fi roguelike deck builder where you can get your ship, gather a crew together and take on the galaxy with everything it can throw at you in this turn-based game, who know what cards you will be dealt! Are you ready to take on the Breachway game?

    Find out more about the Breachway game here on the Steam website;

    #TacticalSpaceGame #Breachway #HoodedHorse #Space #BreachwayGame #EdgeflowStudio #SciFi #Roguelike #Deckbuilding #PC #Steam #GOG #EpicGamesStore #Gamers #Gaming #Games

  • Chrono Weaver VR Time-travel Puzzle Game

    Chrono Weaver VR Time-travel Puzzle Game

    Here is an interesting idea, its a co-op game that you play on your own and it’s virtual reality too, this is a Chrono Weaver VR and in the demo above you will see just how cool this concept is. You enter a labyrinth of science labs where you must solve puzzles in order to move on, but this is no easy walk-through game this is going to be a challenge in VR.

    Find out more about the Chrono Weaver VR game here;

    #ChronoWeaverVR #GameTeaser #GameTrailer #GameDemo #VR #TimeTravel #Puzzle #VRGames #Coop #PCVR #MetaQuest #VirtualReality #SciFi #ChronoWeaver #Steam #PCGaming #IvoryCrowGames

  • Astor Blade of the Monolith out now

    Astor Blade of the Monolith out now

    Take a look at this, it’s the fast-paced action RPG from C2 Game Studio and its called Astor: Blade of the Monolith which is out now on PC and consoles, so what are you waiting for? This is a journey of exploration and discovery as we follow the warrior Astor in search of the ancient who disappeared from this world thousands of years ago, he feels that only they have the key to the survival of the planet and so the quest has begun.

    Find out more about the Astor Blade of the Monolith game here;

    #C2GameStudio #RPG #AstorBladeoftheMonolith #PC #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation #Xbox #Explore #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #NewGames #Ancients #Discover #Planet #Warriors

  • 80s vibe Madzik available on Steam now

    80s vibe Madzik available on Steam now

    This is a trip back in time to when if you wanted to play a game you would have to go to an arcade, these days thankfully gaming is a home sport and this one is definitely worth taking a good look at. It’s Madzik Episode 1 and this is where you will be starting your journey into the Zikverland a wonderful place until portals are opened and all sorts of creatures come through. This is a cooperative game and so you had better get your team on board in order to stop the chaos.

    Find out more about the Madzik game here;

    #Madzik #RetroGames #BKOMStudios #Gaming #Gamers #Games #SciFi #Zikverland #Steam #CooperativeGameplay #NarrativeJourney #EmpoweringTransformation #HandcraftedMysticalLands

  • Star Wars The Bad Batch Final Mission

    Star Wars The Bad Batch Final Mission

    The end is almost here for the epic Star Wars: The Bad Batch series on Disney+, in this final season we will see the stories finalised and with this final mission clip we get a glimpse into how the series is going to take us. For many, this is one of those stories that could run and run, but all things must come to an end and for The Bad Batch the end is coming.

    Find out more about the Star Wars The Bad Batch Paths Unknown TV series on Disney+ here;

    #StarWarsTheBadBatch #StarWars #TheBadBatch #FinalMission #DisneyPlus #Jedi #Sith #Animation #TVSeries #SciFi #StarWarsTheBadBatchFinalSeason

  • Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Titan Sightings

    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Titan Sightings

    Just when you think that it is safe to begin life again following the battle between Godzilla and the Titans along comes the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters where a creature has been woken and so the Titan Sightings begin over again, this time things are about to get very serious.

    The Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Titan Sightings is streaming right now on Apple TV where you can enjoy this exciting adventure that will pit some of the most ferocious creatures to walk the planet and make it their own. This could be the end of life on Earth as we know it.

    Find out more about the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Titan Sightings on Apple TV here;

    #MonarchLegacyofMonstersTitanSightings #Monarch #LegacyofMonsters #TitanSightings #AppleTV #SciFi #Monsters #Titan #MUTO #Shipwreck

  • Become The Ghostrunner Now

    Become The Ghostrunner Now

    Out now is the brilliant Ghostrunner 2 game that carries on the struggle in the previous game, it is one year on and things have not changed as the main character Jack a cyber ninja warrior who has emerged from the Dharma Tower into a world that resembles a wasteland and a place that just needs to be explored.

    Leaving the safety of the urban areas, this journey will take him to new places, meet new people, discover new stories and of course, find out that there are some dangers waiting out there too. This game will now expand the Ghostrunner story into new and exciting adventures.

    Find out more about the Ghostrunner 2 game here;

    #Ghostrunner #GhostrunnerII #CyberNinja #DharmaTower #SciFi #NewGames #Gameplay #Demo #Gaming #CombatGames

  • LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red on Disney Plus

    LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red on Disney Plus

    Coming soon to Disney Plus is LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red which starts as the Avengers are back at base following a mission only to find that the Red Guardian is missing so in order to help the Black Widow find her father, the team come up against a new enemy, are the Avengers in trouble this time?

    This is an interesting change to the way that the popular characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe are not only is it an animation, the characters are based on the Lego designs, so you could say that this is something for younger Marvel fans, but it doesn’t have to be. LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red starts streaming on Disney Plus this week.

    Find out more about LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red here;

    #LEGO #Marvel #TheAvengers #CodeRed #OfficialTrailer #DisneyPlus #LEGOMarvelAvengersCodeRed #LEGOMarvelAvengers #BlackWidow #RedGuardian

  • Stardeus Anniversary Update Paradox Arc

    Stardeus Anniversary Update Paradox Arc

    It is hard to believe that it has been a year for the Stardeus game, it has been available on Steam so far and many gamers have taken up the challenge of building a spaceship and heading off into deep space looking for places to colonise. The game itself is pretty straightforward enough, but getting from here to outer space is a different matter altogether.

    Stardeus is a game where building a spaceship or space station that is actually capable of flying in the hostile conditions that space offers, it will also have to support the crew and the supplies that you need. This is a great game to get into and test your gaming and engineering skills to the limit.

    Find out more about the Stardeus game here;

    #ParadoxInteractive #Paradox #Stardeus #Anniversary #Update #ParadoxArc #StardeusGame #SciFi #Spaceship #Colony

  • For All Mankind Season 4 Apple TV+

    For All Mankind Season 4 Apple TV+

    This is the trailer for the brilliant TV series For All Mankind on Apple TV+, it tells a story of what the world could have been like if the USSR landed on the Moon in 1969 instead of the USA. The whole story starts here, history as we know it has been changed, by simply getting the Moon first the USSR have been able to stay in place and grow into a state that sees Mars as the next territory to control.

    Yet at the heart of this story are the lives of those involved in the space program, those on all sides and those caught up within the politics and tensions that come with it. The new century brings in new ideas, new friendships and those who try to cling onto the old ways will stop at nothing to keep things as they are.

    Find out more about For All Mankind on Apple TV+ here;

    #ForAllMankind #Trailer #AppleTV #History #AlternativeHistory #USSR #USA #SpaceTravel #MoonLandings #Mars #Colony

  • Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launching on PS5

    Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launching on PS5

    Following on from the events of the original Marvel Spider-Man game, it is around nine months later and things seem to be settling down for the spider men Peter Parker and Miles Morales, that is until a strange appearance forces Miles to seek out Peter once more in order to save the world from disaster.

    This is the second game for the PlayStation for Spider-man and as expected it is full of action and comes with a great story that only Spider-man can offer gamers. Not only is there a massive threat from a mysterious visitor, there are also old threats joining in too, watch out for Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, and Venom!

    Find out more about the Marvel Spider-Man 2 game here;

    #SpiderMan #PeterParker #MilesMorales #Kraven #Lizard #Sandman #Venom #Marvel #PS5 #MarvelSpiderMan2

  • The Thaumaturge Official Gameplay Trailer

    The Thaumaturge Official Gameplay Trailer

    Coming out in early December for PC’s and consoles is the Thaumaturge game, where once again Wiktor is back in Warsaw, its the early 20th century and things are changing in the world, science, inventions and the way that people work are all changing, however, this is an opportunity for those who feel that crime is the opportunity for them.

    Among the humans are Salutors a kind of demon that uses the weaknesses of humans to their own ends. Yet the Salutors are not always in control of their destiny for they are controlled by the Thaumaturges. This one battle that is going to go on for a long time, are you ready for this?

    Find out more about the Thaumaturge game here;

    #TheThaumaturge #RPG #VideoGames #EpicGames #PCGames #Wiktor #Warsaw #Thaumaturges #Demons #Games #Gaming

  • Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

    Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

    Check out this brilliant expansion pack for Cyberpunk 2077, it’s called the Phantom Liberty and it’s a story of spies and the protection of the NUSA President. The game is an intense thriller combining espionage and assassinations, but it’s not a glossy game as the action takes you down to the Dogtown district of the city.

    The Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty expansion game will be arriving on the 26th of September for PC gamers, but it is available for pre-order right now, this is an exciting game that has familiar characters and scenery, but it offers a brand game experience at the same time, are you ready for this?

    Find out more on the Phantom Liberty expansion pack here;–phantom-liberty

    #PhantomLiberty #Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk2077PhantomLiberty #SpyThriller #CyberEnhancedMercenary #Mission #Espionage #NUSAPresident

  • Would you spend Five Nights at Freddy’s?

    Would you spend Five Nights at Freddy’s?

    This Halloween you will be getting the chance to spend five nights with a new security guard at the popular Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza restaurant sounds like an easy job and yet more or less straight away he realises that this job is not going to be as easy or as nice as he first thought.

    Five Nights at Freddy’s is a classic Halloween movie that follows many of those stories from the past, but the difference here is that it’s up to date and you just know that it is going to be scary and funny all at the same time. We simply cannot wait for this when it is released on the 27th of October.

    Find out more about the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie here;

    #Halloween #FiveNightsAtFreddys #FreddyFazbearsPizza #SurviveFiveNights #FNAFMovie #Horror #Movie

  • Homeworld real-time strategy game

    Homeworld real-time strategy game

    The entire galaxy is at a point where alien invaders could tip the balance of power in their favour enslaving everyone who has survived forever. You are on a mission to stop the invading forces, by forming alliances to protect the deep regions of space, however, there is something else an Anomaly where spacecraft have disappeared and yet could this hold the key to victory?

    This is the third instalment of the game so players will be well acquainted with the features and stories so far, but even new players will be able to slip straight into this game without even playing the first games, although why miss out on all of that gaming action when you have until February next year for Homeworld III to be released?

    Find out more about the Homeworld III game here;

    #Homeworlduniverse #Homeworld #Realtimestrategy #RTS #SciFi #Gearbox #Missions #Spacetravel #Game

  • Relic Hunters Legend On Steam

    Relic Hunters Legend On Steam

    Join your gang of galactic explorers searching through ruins and relics for something that is worth the effort or the danger of the evil Ducan empire. This is a classic style of game with levels to get through and bosses to beat, this is something that is going to need some cool gaming skills and a little bit of cunning too.

    This is a fast and furious game that you can get on your wishlist on Steam, so while its not ready just yet, the game will be launching soon and that will give you time to get your gang together in time for the Relic Hunters Legend the epic adventure game.

    Find out more about the Relic Hunters Legend game on Steam:

    #RelicHuntersLegend #RelicHunters #RPG #Gearbox #Steam #LooterShooter #Villians #Heroes #EvilSpaceDucks

  • Play Atlas Fallen Now

    Play Atlas Fallen Now

    Out now is the much-awaited Atlas Fallen, this is a game that puts you right in the middle of a revolution to liberate the world from the iron grip of a so-called god! The entire world has been oppressed for too long and there is only one action left for the remaining people to rise up and start the rebellion to overthrow this god.

    Atlas Fallen takes you into a devasted world in ruins where nature is reclaiming what where once large cities and yet this is still a world worth fighting for. You must travel these lands, meet new people to form alliances and of course, there are legendary monsters to fight too. Atlas Fallen is out now and for those who want more, there is a limited edition RPG too!

    Find out more about the Atlas Fallen game here;

    #AtlasFallen #PlayStation #Xbox #PC #NewGame #LimitedEdition #FantasyAction #RPG

  • Gord The Might of Zmij

    Coming soon is the Gord game that will take back into the world of folklore, myths and history, these are dark times and there are powerful tyrants running their lands to produce as much money as possible. The times are changing and there are those who wish to leave these lands and venture into the forbidden lands, who knows what lies in wait for you there?

    The Gord game will launch soon and as with all games there are plenty of trailers and posts about the game and this is especially so when it comes to the massive San Diego Comic-Con, if you are launching a game this is the place to be and to be seen.

    Find out more about the Gord game here;

    #GordTheMightofZmij #Gord #TheMightofZmij #SanDiegoComicCon #SDCC #Underworld #Folklore #Games #NewGame

  • The Unliving Apex Necromancy

    This is a game that will really creep you out as you will need to raise the dead into the dark world of the Unliving. Use magic to cast spells and lead your army into battle with some interesting and epic bosses. This game sounds a bit complicated and that is how it should be.

    This is a game that has been created from scratch so it’s going to be new in every way and that is something that you don’t get to see much in new games these days. This latest update is available now on Steam, so what are you waiting for, it’s time to raise the dead and fight the unliving now.

    Find out more on The Unliving Apex Necromancy game here;

    #TheUnliving #ApexNecromancy #GameUpdate #GameTrailer #RaiseTheDead #Necromancer #RPG #Magic #Spells

  • The Creator Movie

    We were warned and yet in the not-to-distant future, there is a war waging between the human race and the army of artificial intelligence. As the war enters a crucial stage a weapon to wipe out the human race has been deployed, it is up to a special forces agent to hunt down the creator and stop the weapon before it is too late.

    This is one of those movies that really hits home the question of how far could artificial intelligence could or should be allowed to enter our society. Obviously we are not there yet, but the way that technology is advancing, how long will it be before this technology is used by the wrong people for the wrong reason.

    Find out more on The Creator here;

    #TheCreator #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Future #War #Humans #SciFi #RiseoftheMachines