Now we’d all enjoy a custom gaming PC with an amazing graphics card, but let’s be honest, that’s not for all of us. Sometimes we have to actually check the specs on a game before buying it and that’s especially true if we’re using a laptop. Luckily, it doesn’t mean we’re missing out however, there are tons of fantastic games to play without a graphics card and mega CPU insight.
- Strange Horticulture
- Unpacking
- Before Your Eyes
- Let’s Build A Zoo
- Dorfromantik
- Mini Motorways
- Loop Hero
- Cozy Grove
- Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!
@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #StrangeHorticulture #TOEM #Unpacking #BeforeYourEyes #LetsBuildAZoo #Dorfromantik #MiniMotorways #LoopHero #CozyGrove #ChicoryAColorfulTale #LG

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