Pimp My Ride Returns On MTV Thanks To eBay

MTV UK and eBay are bringing iconic noughties makeover series Pimp My Ride back to British screens this month. Hosted by British rapper, Lady Leshurr, the new six-part series premieres on MTV UK’s YouTube channel on Friday 19th August.

eBay has teamed up with MTV to create a new Pimp My Ride: the 2022 version will highlight upcycling & buying second-hand. Wrench Studios will take you through your very own car makeover with how-to videos—you can also browse the parts & accessories shop on eBay! Meet our host Lady Leshurr. Need we introduce you to our presenter? The first lady of rap takes a break from freestyling to take the lucky participants to get their cars overhauled. Bringing glam to the garage, she proves to be a worthy host to the revamped programme. Pimp My Ride 2.0’s car makeovers are carried out in one-stop auto shop Wrench Studios, led by brothers Ray and Hamid, using supplies provided by eBay’s dedicated car parts and accessories division.

Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!

Pimp My Ride on eBay

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