Antimony coin Launch his own Marketplace to compete with Ebay and Amazon

The Antimony coin team announce on their Twitter account and other social media that they will launch in the next few days a new Crypto Marketplace – that will compete with eBay and Amazon by using a WordPress-Woocommerce Payment Gateway Plugin, this can also be used worldwide by any business to sell services and goods.

Antimony coin was established in May 2021 with the premise to change the world in terms of crypto and what we know so far until now. Will this coin be the future of all crypto coins?

Their team looks very active and promising innovative solutions to replace the traditional banking systems that exist today, we took some references from their official website regarding the future projects:

Antimony a crypto coin and the main currency for various services thru the network.

@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #AntimonyCoin #Marketplace #Ebay #Amazon #Buisness #CryptoMarketplace #AntimonyAIWallet #CryptoCurrency

The Antimony AI Wallet is an innovative multifunctional application connected to the peer to peer blockchain network with maximum privacy thanks to the master node feature; one wallet that offers a crypto balance, fiat balance, access to the fiat currency debit card, access the apps and games in the peer to peer cloud, also passive earning for ATMN holders and resources sharing without needing to have dozens of apps to manage your daily needs, entertainment and office tools.

One decentralized application that centralizes all applications in one, as a consumer, you can use them in the network without installing. As a developer, you can publish the apps and earn fees from the POS interests of the end consumers from the network.

A self-managed network that offers a decentralized natural ecosystem using artificial intelligence and algorithms can change the world that we know today, a win-win for both consumer and provider, with no more glitches, KYC barriers, and human corrupt systems control.

Beneficially, the currency department enables users to switch from the two systems to regulate the speed rate. In other cases, the antimony coin is a decentralized peer-to-peer banking financial platform created under an open-source license, featuring a built-in cryptocurrency, end-to-end encrypted messaging, and a decentralized marketplace. The need for online banking has risen in the current decades, making Antimony suitable for application in various businesses industries.

2. The energy innovation and re-industrialization of the world.

The first step is to evaluate the present innovative solutions that, for multiple reasons, are not approved by global multinational enterprises to be released in production, innovate existing technologies and create new ones. Introducing the innovation in the homes of the consumers and automotive industry using yoctotechnologies, like batteries, solar panels, and energy production using Perpetuum energy systems to reduce the recharge of batteries up to 80%, and so reducing the dependency to the electricity providers that reduce the fossil fuels burning for natural reasons on the idea of ‘’no demand-no production needed’’.

@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #AntimonyCoin #Marketplace #Ebay #Amazon #Buisness #CryptoMarketplace #AntimonyAIWallet #CryptoCurrency

Antimony coin is the most valuable coin on the crypto market because it has a real utility on the emerging markets and is the only one to offer unique managing systems, a self pay-earn system in the peer to peer network, and also intending to revolutionize the planet as we know today with a better place for new generations.”

The future plans of this team sound good, a new rival of Bitcoin and Litecoin? to you to follow or not.

Do you need more details? Then you are in luck because more information can be found right here.

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@TechmashUK @Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #TechmashUK #AntimonyCoin #Marketplace #Ebay #Amazon #Buisness #CryptoMarketplace #AntimonyAIWallet #CryptoCurrency


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