Stratia Cyber Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary

Independent cybersecurity consultancy Stratia Cyber are celebrating their ten-year anniversary this month.

Founded in 2011, Stratia Cyber was one of the first companies to be successfully assessed and accredited under the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Certified Cyber Security Scheme and they have since gone on to deliver managed services to a diverse range of clients such as The Student Loans Company, the NHS, The Home Office, Commerce and Government (Defence) in addition to private sector household name brands.

Headed by a management team of senior security consultants with a collective cybersecurity experience of more than 90 years, Stratia Cyber currently has more staff certified at the highest level (Lead Practitioner) under the National Cyber Security Service’s (NCSC) Certified Professional Scheme than any other company in the UK.

Founding Director of Stratia Cyber Paul Maxwell said: “It feels particularly poignant that we are celebrating our ten year anniversary this month, given that cybersecurity is a growing industry and more and more businesses are recognising the importance of protecting their cyber reputations especially now that we are living in a more online world than ever before.”

Lou Mahanty, Managing Director at Stratia Cyber explains that long before the pandemic, their company culture continued to grow and strengthen very organically despite having always operated as a remote team.

“Of course we recognise that in-person interactions will always be fundamental to some elements of running a business. But at its core, trust is part of our mission; trust in what we do to make safe environments in which businesses can thrive, we have no option to fail because our clients are trusting us with their ability to survive. Operating as a remote team means that we have been able to adapt seamlessly to the changing landscape over the past decade, especially in the last year when many businesses have been forced to adapt quickly.”

Do you need more details? Then you are in luck because more information can be found right here.

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