Tweet becomes art! Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sells for £2.1m!

Most users of Twitter probably just tweet away telling the world what they are doing, where they are going or how they are feeling and not really thinking about it. Yet it seems that depending on who you are, your tweets can be valuable and in some cases considered to be the equivalent of a piece of art!

You may think that this is utter madness, but when Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said that he would sell his very first tweet as a nonfungible token (NFT) and donate the proceeds to good causes, the whole thing takes on a different perspective.

The tweet above dates back to March 2006 when the co-founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey decided to set up an account on the platform.

Now the tweet has been sold $2.9m (£2.1m) to the Malaysia-based businessman Sina Estavi, who is the chief executive of technology firm Bridge Oracle. He later compared the purchase to buying a piece of classic art.

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