Answer Pay announces the go-live of its Request to Pay demonstrator. The new demonstrator enables billers, payers and payment services providers to experience the full Request to Pay journey for the first time, providing a greater understanding of the huge benefits of bill payments utilising Request to Pay.
Mike Chambers, Chairman of Answer Pay says, “Request to Pay addresses the competing needs of billers who want payment control and payers who want more flexibility. Our demo shows that by enabling the payer to receive and aggregate their requests in their chosen supplier app you can improve the experience for both parties.”
Key to the success of Request to Pay are Payment Service Providers as they provide the user interfaces for the biller and payer communities to access these new experiences demonstrated by Answer Pay.
Chambers adds, “For biller facing PSPs this is an opportunity to access new revenue streams and simplify alternative payments. For payer facing PSPs this could be what transforms your app from “nice to have” to “essential” as no one wants to miss a bill payment.”
To experience Request to Pay, you’re invited to visit Answer Pay.
@Biz_Nooz #Biz_Nooz #AnswerPay #Bills #RequestToPay #BillManagement #PSP #Payments #MoneyManager #BillPayers #Consumers #BillPayment
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