Why you might not be getting 5G

With the closure of the 3G network last year, the rollout of the new 5G network is expected to be in full flow in 2022.

This new generation of networks was created to cope with the increasing demand in data sharing, connectivity and boasts an astounding device response time of around one millisecond – meaning surfing the internet has become an effortless task and VOIP phones can run seamlessly, allowing customers to answer both landline and mobile calls wherever they are.

Some Brits who have purchased a new 5G compatible device have been left muddled after not being able to get 5G service.

Despite the installation of 5G poles up and down the country, there are still some areas that are without connectivity – not only this but mobile service providers must also offer 5G as part of their plans.

Experts are advising users to check their area for 5G connectivity before they purchase a new device to avoid disappointment.

Alastair Bates, Managing Director of Telephone Systems Cloud said: “Trying to understand new developments in the technology industry can be difficult especially with varying information sources.

“We recommend users firstly check their area supports 5G and then secondly check that their device supports the service rather than the other way round.

“There are of course other possibilities for not being able to get 5G for example, if you’re uploading something, 5G only currently supports downloads.

“Also, it could be that the device is too hot or there could be a software bug that inhibits users ability to get 5G signal.”

Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!

Telephone Systems Cloud

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