Tag: #History

  • Assassins Creed Shadows New Trailer

    Assassins Creed Shadows New Trailer

    Step back in time to Feudal Japan with the latest edition of Assassins Creed Shadows this is a place that is full of traditions and rituals, you can fit in or you can easily be found out as being an outsider. Beware, it may be a beautiful place but there are hidden dangers around every corner and this is one place where justice comes at the edge of a sword. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is coming on the 15th of November, are you ready?

    Find out more about the Assassins Creed Shadows game here on the Ubisoft website https://ubi.li/rEDXA

    #AssassinsCreed #Ubisoft #AssassinsCreedShadows #FeudalJapan #Assassin #History #Warrior #Games #Gaming #Gamers #SciFi #Warfare

  • Sons of Valhalla is available now!

    Sons of Valhalla is available now!

    We all know that the Vikings were the ultimate invading fighting force, not only would they take whatever land they wanted, they stayed there and made it their home. This was the thing that meant repelling the Vikings was a massive task and in some cases, it was easier to let them stay rather than fight the Vikings. In this game you are the Viking invaders, build your base and spread out throughout England and see if the English King can push you back into the sea!

    Find out more about the Sons of Valhalla game here; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/sons-of-valhalla-97db6e

    #SonsofValhalla #Vikings #Battles #Invaders #EpicGames #CombatGame #BaseBuilding #History #VikingAge #LongShips

  • For All Mankind Season 4 Apple TV+

    For All Mankind Season 4 Apple TV+

    This is the trailer for the brilliant TV series For All Mankind on Apple TV+, it tells a story of what the world could have been like if the USSR landed on the Moon in 1969 instead of the USA. The whole story starts here, history as we know it has been changed, by simply getting the Moon first the USSR have been able to stay in place and grow into a state that sees Mars as the next territory to control.

    Yet at the heart of this story are the lives of those involved in the space program, those on all sides and those caught up within the politics and tensions that come with it. The new century brings in new ideas, new friendships and those who try to cling onto the old ways will stop at nothing to keep things as they are.

    Find out more about For All Mankind on Apple TV+ here; https://apple.co/__ForAllMankind

    #ForAllMankind #Trailer #AppleTV #History #AlternativeHistory #USSR #USA #SpaceTravel #MoonLandings #Mars #Colony

  • Europa Universalis IV Domination Empire

    Take control of your armies and make your empire great again, forget about what history says, make your own history and dominate the known world. Sounds easy doesn’t it, but how many Emperors have made the same mistake of misjudging the enemy, not knowing the location and not knowing when winter is coming? Change the course of history now, Find out more on Europa Universalis IV Domination here; https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/ #History #Wars #Invasion #EuropaUniversalisIVDomination #Empires #Emperors

  • Atomic Heart Is Out Now

    Enter a world with an alternate history, although going on current events around the world you wouldn’t know it. This is a great game that follows on from World War Two only this time there is a very different world with the balance of power being a lot different from what it is today or is it? Find out more on Atomic Heart here; https://www.focus-entmt.com/en/games/atomic-heart #AtomicHeart #History #PostWorldWarTwo #SovietUnion #AlternateHistory #FocusEntmt

  • Minecraft Digging For Archeology

    Take a look at this experimental feature coming to Minecraft this year, it’s Archeology and it is coming to Bedrock, so pick up your tools and get digging, you never know what you might find the next block that you find could contain treasure or maybe nothing, it’s just the way it is! Find out more on Minecraft Archeology here; https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/archeology-coming-minecraft-120 #Minecraft #Dig #Archeology #Bedrock #History #MinecraftExperimentalFeatures

  • Pre-Order Great War Western Front

    It was supposed to be the war to end all wars, but try telling those entrenched on the Western Front. Something needs to change and so you are in command, choose your side and use all of your tactical knowledge to end the war once and for all! Find out more on the Great War: Western Front here; https://www.playthegreatwar.com/ #GreatWarWesternFront #Gaming #TheWesternFront #TheGreatWar #History #WorldWarOne #Tactics #Warfare

  • Fallout 76 Nuka-World on Tour

    Fallout is one of those games that feeds your imagination, the alternative history shows us how things could have gone wrong and to be honest still could! This is Nuka-World on tour and the games developers are having a bit of fun with it. More details here; https://fallout.com #fallout #nukawall #history #bethesdasoftworks #gamedevelopers #nuclearwar