BCS celebrates 50 years of Distinguished Fellows award

The professional body for the IT Industry is marking the 50th anniversary of its Distinguished Fellowship award, whose previous recipients include Sophie Wilson, who helped design the BBC Micro-computer.

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, has again opened nominations for this prestigious award is particularly keen to consider and celebrate innovators from the widest possible range of backgrounds.

The recipient of the 2021 distinguished fellowship will join innovators such as last year’s winner Sophie Wilson, who received the award in recognition of her pioneering work – helping to design the BBC Micro and ARM architecture. Other distinguished fellows include Margaret Ross OBE, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Bill Gates, Dame Wendy Hall, Vint Cerf and Martha Lane-Fox.

The BCS Roll of Distinguished Fellows currently includes 32 people who have profoundly changed the way society benefits from information technology. They have made major contributions to the overall development of computing and have gained substantial recognition over an extensive and sustained career.

John Higgins, President – BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT said: “This year marks the 50th anniversary of the BCS Distinguished Fellows award and we are inviting nominations to mark this special milestone. We are keen to have a diverse range of nominations from a wide variety of backgrounds.”

Individuals included on our roll are recognised for the impact their work has had on society and knowledge at the highest level. A BCS Distinguished Fellowship gives an individual’s contribution the status and recognition it deserves – and we’re proud to have them represent our industry and inspire it to further change.”

He continues: “As we emerge from the global pandemic, information technology is at the very heart of society and of our economy. It’s hard to imagine what lockdown would be like without computers, the Internet, the world wide web, e-commerce and social media. Tech plays an increasingly important role in almost every aspect of our lives and the vital contribution made by innovators in this sector continues to grow. We want to recognise and celebrate the best of the best – and look forward to receiving this year’s nominations.”

The BCS Distinguished Fellowship nomination process is now open and closes at 12 noon on 18th June.

Do you need more details? Then you are in luck because they can be found here.

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