Animo Gaming launches first UK site

Launching on 2nd April Animo Gaming brings the best in social virtual reality gaming to the UK. Creating a shared immersive experience for families, friends and gamers alike Animo Gaming will be opening their first purpose-built gaming arena in Woking shopping centre just in time for Easter. The area will play host to twelve different short and long-form gaming options, all based in incredible VR worlds, allowing those taking part to immerse themselves in a truly fun and unique shared experience.

Whether you choose to take part in an Angry Birds adventure, work with a team to conquer as many platforms as possible in the hyperdynamic Tower Tag or engage in an adrenaline-soaked battle against wave after wave of oncoming zombies in Zombyte, there is an experience to suit everyone. With games ranging from 5 minutes to up to 90-minute tournaments, gamers can choose a whole variety of ways to play with friends and family and with multiple experiences available during one session it is also cost-effective for the player.

Bringing the best in multi-player VR technology to one area means Animo Gaming can offer a unique immersive attraction that creates an exciting, shared experience not found at home. Animo is the perfect way for family and friends to challenge each other, create exciting memories and experience a world they never thought possible.

Would you like some more information? Then you are in luck because we have included a link to the story, it can be found below, just run your mouse over the link to satisfy yourself that you are going to the right destination and click for more!

Animo Woking

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